Upper valley Volunteer SUmmit
New Pathways & Best Practices in Community Based Resettlement
July 12, 10am-2pm
Thank you to everyone who made The Upper Valley Volunteer Summit a success. The day was full of meaningful conversation that left us all inspired and motivated to continue this crucial work. A huge thank you to Jeff Lewis, who has able to capture the day in photos.
Explore content from the Summit below:
Summit Featured Speaker Presentations:
Jessica Chapman, Director for Community Sponsorship Technical Assistance, Church World Service
Ann O'Brien, Director of Sponsorship, IRIS (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services)
Other Helpful Resources:
WelcomeCorps Toolkits - Forming a Private Sponsorship Group
Church World Serivce - Community Sponsorship
See the agenda from the Summit Below:
AGENDA: New Pathways & Best Practices in Community Based Resettlement
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:30-10:00 Arrivals
10:00 - 12:00 Featured Speakers
Ann O'Brien, Director of Sponsorship, IRIS – Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services
Jessica Chapman, Director for Community Sponsorship Technical Assistance. Church World Service
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch and Conversation
1:00 - 2:00 pm Facilitated Subregional Discussions
Sponsored by:
CCL Welcome Fund and SHARe
Martha Tecca, Core Team Member
Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation
Erika Hoffman-Kiess, Executive Director
Ascentria Care Alliance
Greg Richane, Co-Sponsorship & Volunteer Manager
Working Communities of Southern Vermont
Alex Beck, Initiative Director Southern Vermont Working Communities
Our vision is a resilient, networked, learning community of volunteers supporting refugee resettlement in the region. The goal of this event is to help create and sustain a welcoming, growing, diverse community with a robust workforce, stimulating schools, and rich community life. Please join this gathering of community leaders for this opportunity to work and learn together from national experts, and from one another.
Convene a gathering of Vermont leaders in community-based resettlement with the following goals:
Recognize, capture and celebrate how much we have already learned.
Bring expertise and knowledge into the region to build robust regional systems to welcome newcomers
Increase awareness of resources available so we can learn, develop, adapt and implement best practices
Build our shared understanding of our roles within the larger systems
Help leaders to help their volunteers define and achieve success
Define goals and needs for future gatherings, trainings or technical assistance
If you have any questions, please contact Martha Tecca at martha.tecca@gmail.com or Jen Stromsten at jstromsten@brattleborodevelopment.com

For more information on IRIS and cosponsorship, contact pnewburn@irisct.org and adelcogliano@irisct.org