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Quick Stats
Jobs Filled by new southern vermonters
Total Degrees Evaluated
Average Wage
Credentials Earned
businesses started
6 Employer trainings with over 50 employers
Welcoming Workplaces:
New Vermonters in the Workplace
Vermont Employment Pathfinder
Skill alignment and skill development are key to helping
people earn more, learn more, and turn a job into a long-
term, livable-wage career. It’s almost impossible to sort
through job requirements, local postings, and all of the relevant
educational options needed to start a career or take it to the
next level.
​Vermont Employment Pathfinder (VEP) is a web-based app that
leverages innovative AI technology to connect a person’s real-
world experiences and skills to real opportunities in
Vermont, and will even build your resume for you.
Catch up on regional meetings, news coverage, important announcements, and Working Communities celebrations. Scroll below.
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